BRNSS Publication Hub is an entity that serves as a platform for budding and blossomed researchers to exchange their ideas. Learning is a never ending process and we with our scientific content serve various educational needs of educators. With an aim to become a leading Publisher BRNSS Publishing Hub has initially focused to publish few quarterly and by monthly journals in the field of Pharmacy, Ayurveda, Pharmacy & Medicine, Mathematics, Computer science engineering and medical Sciences. All these journals published by us maintain the highest standards of quality, with Editors and reviewers composed of scholars from around the world.
We do not expect the research to be a lengthy one, we highly appreciate the researchers those who do real researches and does research for a real output rather than doing research for the sake of research. We adhere to the highest international standards for quality, with authors and editorial members from across the globe.
We welcome excellent authors seeking to publish and market their researches and Scientists to be a part of our editorial team.
The B R Nahata Smriti Sansthan International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Archives ( is a bi-monthly Journal, which publishes original research work that contributes significantly to further the scientific knowledge in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry, Computational Chemistry and Molecular Drug Design, Pharmacognosy and Photochemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmacy Practice, Clinical and Hospital Pharmacy, Cell Biology, Genomics and Proteomics, Pharmacogenomics, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology of Pharmaceutical Interest). The Journal publishes original research work either as a Full Research Paper or as a Short Communication. Review Articles on a current topic in Pharmaceutical Sciences are also considered for publication by the Journal.